Rating system

I am amazed your curious how I rate books. Amazed and appreciative. As you may have read from the about page, I am no scholar by any means of the word. I am however good at placing a nonsensical opinion on things I really have no business being opinionated about. But I digress.

After I have read a book I will rate it (I use this term loosely), using gold coins. Why gold coins? Mainly because they match the color scheme of my template here. Zero gold coins being the worst and five gold coins being the best. I will also try to convince you my opinion is justified through b.s. (an art I have been perfecting since I learned how to talk). For the most part my ratings will be utterly useless, but it is a book blog so I might as well throw them in.

Note: these ratings are all based on my opinion, which is very biased, inconsiderate and sarcastic. Abandon all hope ye who enter here and actually think they are worth your time.

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